Dall-E Mini visualizes illusory half-life and mass-effect sequences

Dall-E Mini visualizes illusory half-life and mass-effect sequences

A series of images depicting surreal snapshots generated by artificial intelligence of a virtual version of the agent.

picture: Rockstar / Dall-E mini / Kotaku

We have to keep the dream alive! Also, I’m a sucker for these first two porn Movies – those last ones lost the subject, and oh good god, never read those damn books… I’ll never get that time back – that’s got an ambitious but not great blockbuster video game. It just left me wanting to try out real spy video games, and I, like many, have always been optimistic about Rockstar’s evolution for a long time. agent It will eventually appear to provide that.

we will. This will never happen. I wonder if Dall-E connected the dots correctly, because these environments absolutely scream “Rockstar open-world game”. This is where I think is purely theoretical agent The sequel really excels.

Action and spy movies are good fun, but put one in an open world maybe with a dash of elden ring– A mysterious style that doesn’t clear things up for you and we’ll have a game where we race around a city trying to piece together some kind of secret government intrigue, chase people across rooftops, and get into a shootout Want to dodge the cops not just because they’re the opposing force, but because they’re going to blow your cover? Ah, Dall-E, stop bothering me.

So there you have it! 10 games we’ll never see, but thanks to the magic of artificial intelligence, we can daydream about them. Maybe he became conscious after all! This is mostly my list, so I’m sure everyone has a lot of your impossible supplements that you’d like to see.

Now we can imagine a possibly not so far-fetched future where AI can make a game based on this router. Such technological advances where we can create complex media in an abstract language will surely make us reconsider the old copyright and intellectual property laws that were put in place in the pre-digital era. right? …the correct?


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