Aaron Judge sets a record of 61, but Barry Bonds holds a record

Sometime in the 19th century, someone threw the first pitch in the history of baseball. This was followed by the second pitch in baseball history, at which point someone said right away that the pitch wasn’t what it used to be.

Baseball is constantly trying to chase after a purer, happier past that never existed, and this strange habit is most evident when discussing the record for one season. Ty Cobb, who rose to stardom in the era of dead balls, used to be wary of the idea that players should even attempt to reach home. Roger Maris’ pursuit of Babe Ruth’s record soon became more of Ruth’s defense than Maris’ celebration; Commissioner Ford Frick said Ruth would be the real record holder as he turned 60 in a 154-game season, while Maris Yankees He played 162, and only 23,154 fans came to watch Maris hit 61st. Then came Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, and… well, you know that story.


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